Monday, November 5, 2007

Huck Finn Quotes pg. 197- 214

“All right, then, I’ll go to hell”

This quote is said by Huck to himself about the things he said about turning Jim in. Huck was going to turn Jim into the slave hunters but decides not to because he is Jim’s friend. He chooses to be loyal to his friend instead of giving into society. Society has always been telling him the blacks are property, but Huck goes against that and doesn’t turn Jim in. He knows that him going against society will send him to hell but he is ready to go to hell to save a friend. He would rather go to hell then to not be loyal to a fiend.

“But if they was joyful, it warn’t nothing to what I was; for it was like being born again, I was so glad to find out who I was.”

This quote is said by Huck. This quote contradicts itself, because it says that Huck wasn’t joyful but that he felt like he was bring born again and that made him happy. This quote is the perfect example of contradiction. Huck was feeling happy but just not in the way the other were feeling.

Huck Finn Quotes pg. 5- 34

“Yes, he’s got a father, but you can’t never find him these days. He used to lay drunk with the hogs in the tanyard, but he hain’t been seen in these parts for a year or more.”

This quote is said by Ben Rogers to Tom Sawyer about Huck. This quote is stating the kind of father Huck has. He is a drink, and is never around. There are a lot of kids out there that have fathers that are like this. On one hand you feel bad for Huck because he has to live a life without a father to guide him and be a good role model for him. But on the other hand with a father like that you don’t want him around so that he can’t influence Huck in a bad way.

“No sir,” I says, “I don’t want to spend it. I don’t want it at all- nor the six thousand nuther, I want you to take it; I want to give it to you- the six thousand and all.”

This quote is said by Huck to Judge Thatcher about Huck’s money. Huck doesn’t want his money because he knows that if he has money then when his dad comes back then his dad will get the money. Huck decides to sell his money to the Judge for a dollar. The reason he sold it to the Judge for a dollar is to make sure it didn’t look like the Judge stole it from Huck. Huck doesn’t need money and he wants to make sure his dad doesn’t get it.