Friday, September 21, 2007

Journal Quotes

"What a faculty must that be which can print the most barren landscape and humblest life in glorious colors! It is pure and invigorated senses reacting on a sound and strong imagination."

This quote is explaining how Thoreau is fascinated with people who come from the worst places and have been in the worst situations but still can be optimistic. It is amazing that people who have been through so much can come out and say that it will all be ok. They take a bad situation and will find a way to see the silver lining. People use their imagination to picture the outcome of something even if the situation looks like it will never be resolved. People who see the best in things are highly thought of in Thoreau’s eyes.

“I am freer than any planet; no complaint reaches round the world, I can move away from public opinion, from government, from religion, from education, from society.”

In this quote Thoreau is explaining how freeing it is to be alone n the woods. When you’re living in the woods there is no one but you, there is no government, no schools, no other religion than your own, and no people there is only you. He even says that he is freer than a planet, which is completely isolated in space. Everything is up to you no one can make you do anything, there are no rules or regulations just you and your own schedule.

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